Ideas Lounge: Meet Sylvette, Picasso’s Muse 10th November
Meet Sylvette, Picasso’s Muse
Dates and times:
Date: Thursday 10th November
Time: 7:30 – 9:39 pm
Venue: Upper Gatehouse, Dartington
Cost: £5, £4 concessions
Meet Sylvette, the girl who, through their chance meeting, inspired Picasso to create over 60 images of her over time.
Sylvette, now Lydia Corbett, is a painter and ceramicist in her own right and is launching her new book ‘I Was Sylvette’, co-written with her daughter Isabel Coulton. She will show a short film and answer questions on her exciting and unusual life. A preview of the book can be found at www.sylvettedavid-lydiacorbett.com on the book page.
Advance booking only details subject to change…
Box Office details:
Open daily 12.30 – 7pm
Phone: 01803 847070